Notice of Business Closure

The Project Company ceased its operations effective on 31st March 2023.
It was a great pleasure working with all the clients and partners, and we are grateful for their support over the years. We look forward with excitement to what the future will bring!

Kumiko Ishiyama O’Grady
Managing Director


The Project Company is a business consultancy specialising in offering Human Resources and Marketing solutions to Japanese organisations.

In Japan, with a falling birthrate, ageing population and other various contributing factors, there are growing concerns of a stagnant and shrinking economy. The Project Company was founded to tackle those social and economical issues which Japan is facing and pursue various “Projects”, which can contribute to a better economy and society.

The Project Company is a member of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in the UK.

Difficult people and Japanese Companies

The Japanese words “Otsuboné” for women and “Rojyu” for men is used for someone in the office who has long years of service and have good internal connections but has a largely negative influence on morale in the office. When I speak to CEOs and Managing Directors of Japanese organisations in Europe about the frequent existence of “Otsuboné” and “Rojyu” and the problematic nature of them, they are delighted to discuss it.

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EU Referendum: what I have learned about the EU

Today’s "FT poll of polls" shows 44% each for both Remain and Leave. Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, is so concerned regarding the outcome of this referendum that he started his own Remain campaign yesterday, only three days before the vote. In the meantime, Vote Leave broadcasts TV ads saying the EU contribution money is a waste and it is necessary to take it back for building a better NHS. The panic and scaremongering of the last few days is deja vu from the Scottish referendum in 2014.

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